Open Your Home to a Foreign Exchange Student


Being a host family offers a unique opportunity for you to experience firsthand the richness and diversity of a culture different from your own.  You may be the first U.S. person the student meets.


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1. Preparation

The student and the host family are full of excitement and adventure. This is like the ‘honeymoon’ stage.

amadatul620x289NPA student Amadeus prepares the room for the arrival of Tareq from Germany. Atul from Malaysia talks to NPA Student Alex through WhatsApp before her arrival.

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2. Arrival

Reality sets in with the routine of daily life. After arrival can come disorientation mixed with wonder. Work together to find solutions, this is the start of the exchange experience.

hannestejprepNPA students Garrett and Simone cheer Hannes on his arrival from Germany. NPA student Nai’a and her sister Tej from India go for a twin look.

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3. Experience

Every day is a new discovery for the student and the host family — a new way to cook, a different way of sharing emotions, another perspective on the familiar. Communicating through the cycles of culture shock brings everyone close together.

martinabow620x289NPA Host Family is happy that Martina from Argentina loves the good food. Bow from Thailand enjoys the holidays with her host family.

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4. Reflection

Understanding the reality, adjusting, and even experimenting… Student and host families have grown and now reflect on a transformative experience.

tejrachel620x289The connections and experiences from a different part of the world stay with you forever. Rachel from China and her NPA host family have stayed in touch and met up for a visit to the Great Wall.

Northcoast Preparatory Academy (NPA) is a public school chartered through the Humboldt County Office of Education.
NPA is a proud participating school in the following student exchange organizations:

Do you want to open your home to a Foreign Exchange Student?  Our Foreign Exchange Coordinator will guide you through the easy process. Email