Overview and Deadlines


Enrollment Process

NPA is an open enrollment public charter school sponsored by the Humboldt County Office of Education. Admission is by a public lottery held early each year. If your child is already enrolled at NPA, you do not need to submit any additional forms for the next school year.

Interested families should print and mail completed enrollment forms, including proof of residence, to NPA, PO Box 276, Arcata, CA, 95518. Alternatively, families can download a fillable .pdf and email Elizabeth Illman (eillman1@northcoastprep.org) the completed forms and proof of residence.

For questions or additional enrollment information, please contact Elizabeth Illman at eillman1@northcoastprep.org.

Informational Meetings

Northcoast Preparatory Academy will hold pre-enrollment informational meetings for interested students and families in the sanctuary at the Arcata United Methodist Church, 1761 11th St.  on Monday, February 3, 2025.  

The middle school meeting will begin at 5:30 pm; the high school meeting will follow at 6:30 pm on February 3, 2025.   

Enrollment deadlines

The application deadline for the initial enrollment period for both the middle school and  middle school is Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Families who wish to enroll after the deadline are invited to complete the enrollment forms and inquire with Elizabeth at eillman1@northcoastprep.org about available space in our classes.

How to submit your NPA Enrollment Forms: 

We must have your original documents and a copy of your proof of residence. Please do not submit your application via photos or scanned documents. Instead, please follow the options below to submit your application: 

Paper applications: 

  • mail to NPA, PO Box 276, Arcata, CA 95518
  • Middle School – turn in at our middle school campus, 285 Bayside Road, Arcata
  • High School – turn in at our high school office: 1761 11th Street, Arcata

Digital .pdf applications: 


Because we reached our desired class size but did not exceed it for Fall 2025 in 6th and 9th grades, we will not hold a lottery. Please check your email for a welcome letter from Elizabeth (eillman1@northcoastprep.org) sent on February 24th.

Lottery Process: If we receive more applications than we have spots available once the initial enrollment period ends, we will hold a lottery and then create a numbered waiting list. Applications received after the deadline will be added to the end of the waiting list in the order they are received. Note: although sibling applicants receive priority admission, applications for siblings must still be turned in prior to the deadline in order to receive priority consideration.

Admissions complaints resolution form